Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today when I saw the face of a terrorist carrying a AK-47 in his hand, I felt, why would this guy, who looks 25-30 years in age, in jeans and t-shirts, doing such a shameful thing? He must be hurting himself somewhere in his mind while doing this. He is definitely hurting his parents or a wife or a sister. Who would like to take this route?

I don’t believe but I have to agree that most of the terrorists are Muslims and they are targeted by Pakistan against India. I would like to ask every Muslim of this country that what sort of problems do they face in this country. The democracy of our country is at par. We allow every religion to prosper. What do you think, u will get when you will go to Pakistan.

In Kashmir, children know name of the Pakistani cricketers more that of the Indian. In Ahmedabad, You will see flag of Pakistan when they win the game. Why one Indian person will not feel hurt by this? The act like this is known as Deshdroh.

But still I believe, Terrorism has no religion.

If they are Indian mujahideen, we are Indians. What are we waiting for? Is it not enough? Aren't they testing our patience?

This war is now at the doorstep of our home. I would like to convey each and every lady of India that our child, our husband, our parents are not safe. I would not like my child to stay at such a place where each and everyday I have to think of his/her safety.

Since last few years, the blasts have become part of our life and we are feeling helpless in this situation. What home ministry is doing? What sort of steps they have taken? What sort of plan this home ministry has against this war of terror?

There is a desperate need for a plan of action against terrorism in our country. we are not yet ready for this situation. We can’t check every check-ins of hotels or malls or railway stations. But then what can we do? Does this home ministry has any solution for this?

Let’s rise above the regional politics, religional politics. At first, We are Indians, not hindus, muslims, christians nor Gujarati, Maharashtrians or UPWALE or south Indians. Country should stand first.

We need a change in India. So let’s unite and start preparing for the betterament of our country.

What do you think, a common man like us can do in this situation.

We have the power to change in democracy. How many of us do have election-card? I request every housewife to take personal interest in this issue. And try and get our family’s election card ready. So that we can vote in the coming elections.

Vote for Change.

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